Sunday, April 25, 2010

TV vs. the Web

I saw a few interesting articles and lectures on "Augmented Reality" -- basically the overlaying of meta information on top of our actual real time perception of reality. This is a great opportunity for advertisers. Imagine that as you drive down the street near lunch time, that an ad would pop up on your display (whatever that might be) indicating a nearby special suited just to your preferences. I think the effectiveness of this advertising would be much more effective. Right product, right place, right time, and hopefully right price.

I caught a few more podcasts and articles, but probably the most interesting is the lecture from Peter Hirschberg on TV vs. the Web. A lot of good information was presented, including the historical context of the current situation. It was intended to highlight the convergence of various media and to show the benefit of connecting with the consumer. Probably the most important take-away for me was a quick comment Mr. Hirschberg made regarding shifting paradigms. It really made me think: if I am involved in trying to market (internally or externally) a product that is completely different from the way people normally think (and are comfortable with) how can I communicate the value without alienating the listener.

1 comment:

  1. R
    The payoff from place-related promotions (e.g., a promotion for a lunch as you drive by) will depend on whether such communications result on loyal behavior or not. If consumers simply repsond to promotions as they travel, the advantage to marketers may not be much.

    I too enjoyed the Hirschberg presentation. It was pretty light, but was very entertaining.
